
  • Playlist: On Leaving New York

    Recently, Jocelyn and I left New York and drove across the country to start a new life in California. A decision like that is not made lightly. Years of daydreaming and months of serious consideration passed before I mentioned it people outside our closest circle of friends. By trigger-pulling time, I had chased any and […]

    08.01.14 | Filed Under Me

  • Anniversary Playlist: Fireworks

    Today marks the one year anniversary of Jocelyn’s and my wedding. What can I say about that day and this year that wouldn’t sound trite? It was a perfect day … the year since has been filled with love and hope … I’m thankful for every day and moment we spend together … and I […]

    09.04.11 | Filed Under Me

  • A List of Names for Inanimate Objects Owned by Matt Urban

    My first iPod was named Devendra (as in Banhart). Not sure that I actually assigned it that name in any software, but it acted pretty funky – so it seemed appropriate. One day it just up and died – and I didn’t have a complete backup anywhere. This would be referred to as the Great […]

    08.29.11 | Filed Under Me

  • Farewell,!

    As many of you know, today is my last day at So I just wanted to say a quick thank you. Personally and professionally, the past 5 ½ years have been a great time and a wonderful learning experience. Looking forward to the challenges ahead … and I hope that our paths cross again! […]

    10.15.10 | Filed Under Me

  • Ok, I Lied

    A previous post said I was switching over to Tumblr as my publishing software. But since WP now has an iPhone app and a snazzy new interface, I’m reversing course. The RSS feed switch is still a good idea as everything I do online basically gets updated there (including this blog). And I know you’re […]

    01.12.09 | Filed Under Me

  • Matt Urban Joins the Social Networking Revolution

    Look … People.  I really like you, I do.  I know that it may not seem that way, as I have some hermit-like tendencies.  I don’t write. I don’t call.  I know, I suck. I’m trying to get better at that stuff.  I never wanted you to take it personally, People.  Although, sometimes you are […]

    06.03.08 | Filed Under Me

  • train!

    train!, originally uploaded by Joc_And. I love it when the train comes. Maybe that’s cause I hate it when it doesn’t.

    05.29.08 | Filed Under Me

  • urbanblight copyright

    shawn: “urbanblight” is so strongly associated with you that when I see it anywhere I just assume you must be connected somehow. urbanblight: heh, i wish! i would love some royalties on it. there’s a band apparently with that name, too shawn: which is the one I just encountered shawn: NEXT WEEK: Urban Blight! shawn: […]

    05.27.08 | Filed Under Me, Music

  • NYE (not Bill)

    So I have failed miserably in my attempt to be a consistent blogger.  Perhaps “the holidays” were a bad time to attempt this elusive endeavor.  Perhaps it’s just not that important to me.  Either way, I do hope to post here more often in the new year. The changing of calendars (as U2 reminds us […]

    12.31.07 | Filed Under Me

  • Bill Hicks Tells Me to Suck a Tailpipe

    <a href=”″>Bill Hicks on Marketing</a> on <a href=””></a> I think instead of meditating, I’m just gonna watch this every morning.

    12.11.07 | Filed Under Me, Miscellany

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